Case StudyLodewijk Werle

  • Project name: Lodewijk Werle
  • Products: portfolio website
  • Notes minimal lay-out website

About Lodewijk Werle

Dutch producer Lodewijk Werle has his roots in dark, melancholic hip-hop and rock music. Starting from 2017, he cultivated a fondness for electronic music, leading to an interesting fusion of these genres. His music intertwines organic and melancholic vibes, infused with surrealism.

The Challenge

It was vital to accurately depict Lodewijk Werle's various music styles and artistic vision. He also expressed a preference for a minimalist portfolio website layout with minimal textual content. The challenge of seamlessly integrating this while maintaining a clear identity proved to be an nice challenge.

First Impressions

You never get a second chance to make a first impression -- Lodewijk Werle's portfolio website opens with a bold black background, setting a stage for the gradual revelation of words that trace his progression from dark, melancholic hip-hop and rock to his present fusion of electronic and surrealistic influences. This reveal creates a sense of anticipation and curiosity, encouraging visitors to engage further with the content.

Upon completion, the navigation menu and Lodewijk's logo seamlessly appear. The use of subtle animations adds depth and visual interest to the website.

Extra Feature

Once the homepage is fully loaded, desktop users can engage in an interactive experience by moving their mouse. When this action is activated, it initiates a visual effect that gives the impression of motion.

Portfolio Page

Lodewijk's portfolio page combines visual appeal with functional features. Positioned on the left side is a photo of Lodewijk; unlike the imagery found on the home and contact page, we've deliberately selected a picture emanating more openness.

On the right side, is a personalized music and video player, seamlessly integrated into the site's design. Visitors can explore Lodewijk's diverse catalog of music and videos, all within the familiar aesthetic of his website. Moreover, beneath the photo, Lodewijk's concert schedule is conveniently accessible. With just a click, visitors can stay up-to-date with his upcoming performances. This layout and user-friendly interface enhance the overall browsing experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in Lodewijk's artistic journey.

Getting in Touch

On Lodewijk's contact page, visitors are welcomed with a familiar, clean and refined layout; echoing the design aesthetic of the homepage. The desktop's visual effect, responsible for creating the illusion of space in motion, enhances the experience as visitors navigate towards the contact form. Here, they can input their name, email address, and a message. This user-friendly design ensures that visitors can effortlessly leave inquiries, comments, or feedback while enjoying the interactive elements present throughout the entire website.

Designed Products

A portfolio website with a minimalist lay-out has been developed for Lodewijk Werle, highlighting his individual personality and artistic vision.

Lodewijk Werle Concluded

Thanks to his portfolio website, Lodewijk Werle now has a robust online platform to showcase his music, interact with his audience, and explore new avenues of artistic expression.